AI Content Writing: Navigating the Pros and Cons for Publishers

Updated on: January 2, 2024
Step into the future with AI content writing as we explore top tools, their pros and cons, and how they can complement your publishing process.

As a publisher, you’ve always been at the forefront of creativity. You’ve embraced the power of words, weaving them into stories and articles that engage, inform, and inspire. But in the dynamic digital landscape, a new tool has emerged on the horizon: AI writing tools.

At first glance, it’s a concept that piques curiosity. A tool that can generate human-like content? It’s a notion that’s both exciting and a little unnerving. After all, writing has always been a deeply human endeavor, a way to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Can a machine really replicate that?

In this blog post, we’re going to explore this intriguing new technology together. We’ll delve into what AI content writing tools are, how they work, and the potential they hold. We’ll also discuss their limitations because, like any tool, they’re not without their flaws.

So, whether you’re a seasoned publisher or a budding writer, join us on this journey of discovery. Let’s explore the potential of AI writing tools, not with apprehension but with curiosity. After all, in the world of publishing, staying informed is key.

Understanding AI Content Writing Tools

AI writing tools, as the name suggests, leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to assist in the content creation process. But before we delve deeper, let’s take a moment to understand what AI really is.

Artificial Intelligence, at its core, is a branch of computer science that aims to create machines that mimic human intelligence. This doesn’t mean these machines are conscious beings, but rather that they can process information, learn from it, and make decisions based on it, much like a human would.

So, how does this translate to writing?

AI writing tools are essentially software programs that can generate text. They use machine learning algorithms to understand language patterns, structure, and context. This allows them to produce text that is coherent and, to an extent, meaningful.

Think of it like this: if you were to write a blog post about the latest trends in digital marketing, you’d probably do some research, right? You’d read up on the topic, learn the key points, understand the language and structure commonly used, and then write your own unique piece.

AI writing tools do something similar but on a much larger scale. If asked to write about digital marketing trends, the tool would analyze thousands, if not millions, of similar articles. It learns from this data and uses it to generate a unique piece of content.

But while this might sound like a magic wand for content creation, it’s not all roses. AI writing tools are powerful, but they’re not perfect. They have their strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these is key to using them effectively in your content creation process.

The Pros and Cons of AI Content Writing Tools

Like any technology, AI writing tools come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to incorporate these tools into your content creation process.

Pros of AI Writing Tools

  1. Efficiency: AI writing tools can significantly speed up the content creation process. They can quickly generate ideas, draft content, and optimize for SEO, saving you valuable time.
  2. Consistency: These tools can help maintain a consistent tone and style across your content, especially when you’re dealing with large volumes of content.
  3. Accessibility: AI writing tools make content creation more accessible to people who may not have formal writing training or skills. They provide structure, grammar checks, and language suggestions, making it easier for anyone to create decent content.

Cons of AI Writing Tools

  1. Lack of Human Touch: While AI writing tools can mimic human-like writing, they can’t replicate the unique perspective, creativity, and emotional depth that a human writer brings to the content.
  2. Generalized Understanding: AI writing tools have a generalized understanding of many topics, but they lack the expert understanding required for specialized or niche topics. This can limit their usefulness for businesses or writers working in specialized fields.
  3. Lack of E-A-T: AI writing tools often struggle with maintaining Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T), which is crucial for quality content.

Human Writers vs. AI Content Writing

The emergence of AI writing tools has stirred a lively debate in the publishing world. Can AI replace human writers? While we’ve touched on this topic earlier, let’s delve deeper into the unique strengths and weaknesses of both human writers and AI and explore how they can complement each other.

Creativity and Emotional Connection: Human writers excel in their ability to infuse creativity into their work. For instance, a travel writer can weave a vivid narrative of a city, capturing its sights, sounds, and smells in a way that transports the reader.

They can express emotions, like the exhilaration of a mountaintop view or the tranquility of a secluded beach. AI, on the other hand, lacks the ability to understand and express human emotions and experiences truly. This is primarily because AI, unlike humans, cannot experience these emotions or sensations firsthand, which limits its ability to convey them authentically in writing.

Understanding of Complex and Niche Topics: Consider a writer with a background in environmental science writing a piece on climate change. They can provide insights, nuances, and depth that AI, with its generalized understanding, can’t match. AI might struggle to grasp the complexities of such a topic, let alone write about it with authority.

Data Processing and Efficiency: This is where AI shines. Suppose you’re running a digital marketing blog and need to publish multiple articles every week. An AI writing tool can quickly analyze trending topics, keywords, and data to suggest content ideas. It can draft content and optimize it for SEO, saving you valuable time.

Accessibility and Consistency: AI writing tools can make content creation more accessible. For example, a small business owner looking to start a blog may not have formal writing training.

An AI tool can provide structure, grammar checks, and language suggestions, making it easier for them to create decent content. They also excel at maintaining consistency in tone and style across large volumes of content.

The Ideal Scenario: A Partnership: Rather than viewing AI as a threat, it’s more productive to see it as a tool that can complement human writers. AI can handle data analysis, idea generation, and drafting, freeing time for human writers to focus on infusing creativity, emotional depth, and expert insights into the content.

In areas where AI falls short, such as understanding complex or niche topics and expressing human emotions and experiences, human writers excel. Conversely, in areas where human writers may struggle, such as analyzing large volumes of data quickly and maintaining consistency across large volumes of content, AI can step in.

In this way, human writers and AI can work together to create high-quality, engaging content, each bringing their unique strengths to the table.

Related Article: Unleashing AI in Digital Publishing: A Game-Changer You Can’t Ignore

Exploring Top 4 AI Content Writing Tools

In this section, we’ll explore five leading AI writing tools shaping the content creation landscape. We’ll delve into their unique strengths, potential drawbacks, and how to use them to enhance your writing process effectively. Let’s get started.

Jasper for Long-Form Content


  • One of the most mature and feature-rich options available
  • Integrates with Grammarly and Surfer for enhanced content quality
  • Offers its own AI art generator


  • The pricing can be a bit steep, especially for small businesses or individual users

How to Use

Jasper offers a Google Docs-like editor where you can write long-form content. It also lets you control the output with text commands like “write the intro to this blog post”.


Jasper offers plans starting at $39/month, but for extensive content creators, the $99/month Teams plan is recommended. This plan, ideal for managing multiple brands, includes advanced AI features, Grammarly integration, plagiarism checks, and SEO tool Surfer. for Copywriting


  • Offers an affordable unlimited plan for high-volume users
  • The workflow actively solicits your input, leading to higher-quality content


  • Can be expensive if you don’t produce a lot of content

How to Use slows down the content creation process and asks some deliberate, probing questions. This approach is particularly useful for creating content like website copy, social media captions, and product descriptions.

Pricing offers a free plan that includes 2,000 words per month. The Pro plan with unlimited words is available for $49/month.

Anyword for Assisting You with Writing


  • Makes it easy to include specific details, SEO keywords, and other important information
  • Engagement scores and other metrics provide valuable insights


  • Can be slower to use compared to other tools

How to Use

Anyword’s setup process requires you to describe the content you want the AI to create and add any SEO keywords you want to target. It then generates a range of titles to choose from, along with a predicted engagement score.


Anyword’s Starter plan starts from $39/month for unlimited words.

Writesonic for GPT-4 Content


  • Allows you to select what GPT model is used to generate text
  • Integrates with Zapier for automated text generation
  • Generous free plans and affordable paid plans


  • A bit too focused on SEO content

How to Use

Writesonic offers a Google Docs-style editor and several copy templates. It also allows you to choose between different GPT models for text generation.


Writesonic’s free plan offers 10,000 Premium words per month. The Long-form plan starts from $16/month for unlimited words with a capping of superior words depending on the AI model.

Rytr for Generating Content at Affordable Price


  • A solid free plan and the cheapest unlimited plan on the list
  • Includes a basic AI art generator as part of every plan


  • The app is more basic than the more expensive offerings

How to Use

Rytr is a bit less competent at generating long-form content without guidance, and there are fewer templates for specific things. However, it uses GPT-3 like all the other apps on this list, so you should be able to get it to produce substantially similar output.


Rytr offers a free plan for 10,000 characters/month and lots of other features. The Saver plan starts from $9/month for 100,000 characters, and the Unlimited plan is available from $29/month.

Now, Let’s Monetize the Content

Creating meaningful content that resonates with your audience is half the battle won. You’ve put in the hard work, crafted stories that matter, and brought in traffic. But what about the rewards for all that effort?

This is where Automatad comes in. As your programmatic monetization partner, Automatad ensures your hard work pays off. It provides comprehensive programmatic monetization solutions, taking responsibility for your ad revenue and enhancing it daily with a blend of state-of-the-art technology powered by AI and effective strategies powered by industry experts.

Ready to turn your content into a revenue-generating asset? Book a free consultation with Automatad today!

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